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The Aha Moment Podcast Series
How Red Hat Took Open Source Principles Beyond Technology to Their People
Episode Description: Audrey McGuckin and Mark Rumbles of Red Hat, Inc. discuss the idea of 'open
Episode Description: Audrey McGuckin discusses the idea of mindfulness, her personal journey with mindfulness, and how
The Importance of Aligning Talent & Business Strategies: The Emerson Story
Episode Description: When organizations develop leadership strategies that connect to business strategies, they see a large
Our New Approach To Talent: It Had To Start From The Top
Episode Description: In this episode of the Leadership Podcast Audrey speaks with Holly O'Discoll on developing
The Keys to Empathy and Connecting to Your People
Episode Description: In this episode of the Leadership Podcast Audrey speaks with Holly O'Discoll on developing
Empathy is Your Super Power
Episode Description: How we approach design thinking in the human captial space leans on a number
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“In times of crisis, leaders need to inspire and focus their teams. Engagement is difficult enough—and now leaders can only connect with employees virtually. How can you maximize your team’s results as you lead them to the next normal?
In our session, you will learn practical ways you can engage your teams — right now and in the next normal. We will cover common pitfalls that can derail leaders and disengage others. Finally, we will share with you the power of empathy in unlocking discretionary effort.
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